News From the Moon

News from the Moon

( French - not as such )

anthology translated & editied by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2007
ISBN: 1932983899 / 9781932983890

Black Coat Press ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2011 ( French Science Fiction 19 )
BN ID: 2940013569348

Black Coat Press ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2011

Introduction - Brian Stableford
News from the Moon - short story by Louis-Sebastien Mercier ( aka Nouvelles de la lune 1768 )
The Embalmed Hand - short story by Adrien Robert ( aka La main embaumée 1867 )
The Future Phenomenon - short story by Stephane Mallarme ( aka Le phénomènene futur 1866 )
The Metaphysical Machine - short story by Jean Richepin ( as by Jules Richepin ) ( aka La Machine à métaphysique 1876 )
The Monkey King - short story by Albert Robida ( excerpt from The Adventures of Saturnin Farandoul ) ( aka Voyages très extraordinaires de Saturnin Farandoul 1879 )
The Historioscope - short story by Eugene Mouton ( aka L'historioscope 1883 )
Tony Wandel's Heart - short story by Georges Eekhoud ( aka Le CÅ“ur de Tony Wandel 1884 )
Martian Mankind - short story by Guy de Maupassant ( aka L'Homme de Mars 1887 )
The Red Triangle - short story by Fernand Noat ( aka Le Triangle rouge 1902 )
Notes - Brian Stableford

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