Ovidiu Bufnila

Ovidiu Bufnilă - Romanian author - b. 1957

English titleRomanian titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Moreaugarin's Crusade ( story in Romanian SF Anthology Nemira '94 )Cruciada lui MoreaugarinStoian, Gabriel( 1994 ) 1994tp/bEditura Nemira9735690292 / 9789735690298
The Arms of the Gods ( prose poem in Sci Phi Journal )Armele zeilorBadea-Gheracostea, Cătălin( 2005 ) 2019webzineSci Phi Journal https://www.sciphijournal.org/?s=+The+Arms+of+the+Gods
Legion of the Devil ( story in Romanian SF Anthology Nemira '95 )Legiunea Diavolului ( 1995 ) 1995tp/bEditura Nemira9735691140 / 9789735691141
Daily Hunger ( story in Jurnalul SF, no.72-73 ) author1994newsheetIntactnone

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