The Centaurs

The Centaurs

( French - Les Centaurs, roman fantastique - 1904 )

collection by André Lichtenberger

translated by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2013 ( French Science Fiction 96 )
ISBN: 1612271847 / 9781612271842

Black Coat Press - e-book / PDF - 2013

Black Coat Press ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2013
BN ID: 2940149000104

Black Coat Press ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2013

Introduction ( The Centaurs ) - essay by Brian Stableford
± The Centaurs - novel ( aka Les Centaures 1904 )
Gulliver in the Land of the Vichebolks - short story ( aka Gulliver chez les Vichebolks 1923 )
Mr. Cuffycoat's Curious Adventure - short story ( aka La Curieuse aventure de M. Cuffycoat 1923 )
Mowgli Returns from the Front - short story ( aka Mowgli revient du front 1923 )
Notes - by Brian Stableford

± synopsis ( The Centaurs )
Chronicles the last days of the Era of the Beasts that preceded ours, when Fauns, Tritons and other now-mythical creatures shared the Earth. In that wild world, the balance of nature is maintained by the Centaurs. The One Law is Thou Shalt Not Kill. But one day, Klevorak, the King of the Centaurs, learns that the One Law has been broken by the new creatures called Men, whom he calls The Accursed Ones.
Meanwhile, the beautiful Katilda, one of the few remaining female Centaurs, refuses to bear offspring with the males of her species and instead falls in love with a young hunter, who only sees in her a coveted prey. Soon, the Elder Races are slaughtered by Men. Can Klevorak still save the remnants of his people by taking them across the ocean to the legendary Sacred Isle?


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