The Final War

The Final War

( French -La guerre finale: histoire fantastique - 1885 )

novel by Barillet-Lagargousse

translated by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2014 ( French Science Fiction no. 130 )
ISBN: 1612273378 / 9781612273372

Black Coat Press - Nook - 2015
BN ID: 2940151343381

Black Coat Press - Kindle - 2015

Introduction and Notes by Brian Stableford
The Final War ( aka La guerre finale : histoire fantastique 1885 )
Naval Battles of the Future - by Maurice Loir ( aka Batailles navales de l'avenir 1897 )

The Final War - takes the European arms race of the late 19th century to its logical end: a terrifying deadlock due to the political and social paralysis caused by weapons sufficiently powerful to be seemingly unbeatable.
Naval Battles of the Future - takes the form of a series of journal entries by a perceptive and philosophical naval officer aboard a French vessel engaged in dreadnought warfare in the Mediterranean. It is a sobering reflection on patriotism, solidarity, and ambition, and a reminder of the human element in war-future, final, or otherwise.


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