The Human Ant

The Human Ant

( French - L'Homme-Fourmi - n/a )

collection by Han Ryner

translated by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2014 ( French Science Fiction 124 )
ISBN: 1612273238 / 9781612273235

Black Coat Press ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2015
BN ID: 2940151342582

Black Coat Press ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2015

Introduction - essay by Brian Stableford
The Human Ant - short story ( aka L'Homme-Fourmi 1901 )
The Prophet's Bride - short story ( aka La Fiancée du Prophète1895 )
A Transition - short story ( aka Une Transition 1898 )
Sacrifices - short story ( Sacrifices 1902 )
The Son of God - short story ( aka Cinquième Evangile 1910 )
The Promise - short story ( aka La Promesse 1911 )
The Living Corpse - short story ( aka Le Mort-Vivant 1912 )
Apologistes' Dream - short story ( aka Un Songe d'Apologistes 1923 )
The Pacifists - short story ( Les Pacifiques 1914 )
Notes - by Brian Stableford

The Human Ant; a man is miraculously transformed into an ant by a fairy. Trapped into the universe of the ants for a year, he discovers the beauty, intelligence and heroism of this tiny species which, in turn, forces him to reflect upon the sad world of men.
The Pacifists; a small band of men shipwrecked in the Sargasso Sea encounter a peaceful utopian Atlantean civilization who have domesticated a universal form of energy.


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