The Novel of the Future

The Novel of the Future

( French - Le Roman de l'Avenir - 1834 )

novels by FĂ©lix Bodin

translated by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2008 ( French Science Fiction no. 6 )
ISBN: 1934543446 / 9781934543443

Black Coat Press - Nook - 2011
BN ID: 2940013309562

Black Coat Press - Kindle - 2011

Introduction and Notes by Brian Stableford.
The Novel of the Future ( aka Le Roman de l'Avenir 1834 )

No one will ever forget that it was the memorable Congress of Constantinople which centralized the power of human reason and changed the destiny of hundreds of millions of individuals. On a serene and gentle night whose fame will last forever, the august assembly, voted its great law in two articles:
War is Prohibited.
Slavery and Polygamy are Abolished on Earth.


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