The Iraqi Christ
( Arabic - - )
collection by Hassan Blasim
translated by Jonathan Wright
Published: Comma Press - trade paperback - 2013
ISBN: 1905583524 / 9781905583522
contents ( not complete - not all are SF related )
The Hole - short story
The Iraqi Christ - short story
Crosswords - short story
Dear Beto - short story
Sarsara's Tree - short story
The Dung Beetle - short story
A Thousand and One Knives - short story
( Arabic - - )
collection by Hassan Blasim
translated by Jonathan Wright
Published: Comma Press - trade paperback - 2013
ISBN: 1905583524 / 9781905583522
contents ( not complete - not all are SF related )
The Hole - short story
The Iraqi Christ - short story
Crosswords - short story
Dear Beto - short story
Sarsara's Tree - short story
The Dung Beetle - short story
A Thousand and One Knives - short story