The Plutocratic Plot

The Plutocratic Plot ( The Dominion of the World I )

( French - La Conspiration des Milliardaires i - 1899 )

novel by Gustave Le Rouge & Gustave Guitton

translated & adapted by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2012
ISBN: 1612270956 / 9781612270951

Black Coat Press ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2012 ( French Science Fiction 73 )
BN ID: 2940015138153

Black Coat Press ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2012
ASIN: B009567DLO

A secret cabal of American billionaires, led by William Boltyn, would like nothing more than to crush Europe, or at least subject it to harsh economic domination, and eventually become masters of the world. To that end, they scheme to use a deadly array of highly advanced weapons invented by Engineer Hattison and an army of psychics under the command of the sinister Harry Madge. Their grand plan, however, is opposed by the heroic endeavors of a handful of Frenchmen...


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