The Road to Nowhere
( Spanish - n/a )
collection by Rodolfo Martinez
translated by author and Ian Whates except *
Published: NewCon Press - hardback - 2018
ISBN: 1910935832 / 9781910935835
NewCon Press - trade paperback - 2018
ISBN: 1910935840 / 9781910935842
NewCon Press - e-book ( Kindle ) - 2019
A Tale of No City - novelette ( 2016 ) ( * English original )
Loaded Dice - short story ( aka Con dados cargados 2002 )
God's Messenger ( The Drimar Saga ) - novelette ( aka Mensajero de Dios 1997 ) ( * translated by Gwyneth Box )
Eternal Return - short story ( aka Eterno retorno 2012 )
This Lightning, This Madness ( The Drimar Saga - 7 ) - novella( aka Este relámpago, esta locura 1999 )
The Road ( The Drimar Saga - 4 ) - short story ( aka La carretera 1990 )
We Have Followed You - short fiction ( aka Te hemos seguido 2014 )
Everything Flows - short story ( aka Todo fluye 1995 )
In God's Mind - short story ( aka En la mente de Dios 2012 )
Think Whatever You Want ( La Ciudad ) - short story ( aka Piensa lo que quieras 2012 )
Pyrrhic Victory - short story ( aka Victoria pírrica 1997 )
At the Penthouse - novelette ( aka En el ático 2014 )
( Spanish - n/a )
collection by Rodolfo Martinez
translated by author and Ian Whates except *
Published: NewCon Press - hardback - 2018
ISBN: 1910935832 / 9781910935835
NewCon Press - trade paperback - 2018
ISBN: 1910935840 / 9781910935842
NewCon Press - e-book ( Kindle ) - 2019
A Tale of No City - novelette ( 2016 ) ( * English original )
Loaded Dice - short story ( aka Con dados cargados 2002 )
God's Messenger ( The Drimar Saga ) - novelette ( aka Mensajero de Dios 1997 ) ( * translated by Gwyneth Box )
Eternal Return - short story ( aka Eterno retorno 2012 )
This Lightning, This Madness ( The Drimar Saga - 7 ) - novella( aka Este relámpago, esta locura 1999 )
The Road ( The Drimar Saga - 4 ) - short story ( aka La carretera 1990 )
We Have Followed You - short fiction ( aka Te hemos seguido 2014 )
Everything Flows - short story ( aka Todo fluye 1995 )
In God's Mind - short story ( aka En la mente de Dios 2012 )
Think Whatever You Want ( La Ciudad ) - short story ( aka Piensa lo que quieras 2012 )
Pyrrhic Victory - short story ( aka Victoria pírrica 1997 )
At the Penthouse - novelette ( aka En el ático 2014 )