Voyage to Venus

Voyage to Venus

( French - Voyage à Vénus - 1865 )

novel by Achille Eyraud

translated by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2011
ISBN: 1612270050 / 9781612270050

Black Coat Press ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2011 ( French Science Fiction 8 )
eISBN: 2940013314405

Black Coat Press ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2011

Describes an interplanetary rocket-powered spaceship. The story is supported by an elaborate ( but ultimately flawed ) pseudo-scientific argument and describes its cosmic voyage in a logical manner. Once on Venus, the protagonists discover a utopian society in which the sexes are equal and solar-powered robots toil in the fields.


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