Silviu Genescu - Romanian author - b. 1958

English titleRomanian titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Transformation ( story in East of a Known Galaxy )TransformareaGenescu, Antuza( 2017 ) 2019tp/bTritonic6067494280 / 9786067494280
Glimpses of a Faraway World ( story in Romanian SF Anthology Nemira '94 )Imagini dintr-o lume îndepărtată ( 1990 ) 1994tp/bEditura Nemira9735690292 / 9789735690298
MMXI ( The Shortcut ) ( story in Worlds and Beings ) Groza, Magda / Mudure, Mihaela / Solomon, Alexandru / Onn, Samuel2015p/bInstitutul Cultural Român9735776693 / 9789735776695
The Shakespeare Variant ( story in Twelve )Varianta ShakespeareGenescu, Antuza & Silviu( 1988 ) 1995tp/bSedona Publishing Company9739601357 ( ? ) & B01BWBOOA2