

Twelve: A Romanian Science-Fiction Anthology

( Romanian - n/a )


edited by Cornel Robu

translated by various

Published: Sedona Publishing House - trade paperback - 1995
ISBN: 9739601357 ( ? )

A Birds Eye View of Romanian Science Fiction - essay by Cornel Robu
Igor's Mannequin - short story by Victor Papilian ( aka Manechinul lui Igor 1938 ) ( translated by Virgil Stanciu )
Les trois Grâces - short story by Mircea Eliade ( aka Les trois grâces 1976 ) ( translated by Mihaela Avramut )
Tristan's Last Avatar - short story by Vladimir Colin ( aka Ultimul avatar al lui Tristan 1966 ) ( translated by Mihaela Avramut )
The Neuhof Treaty - story by Ovid S. Crohmălniceanu ( aka Tratatul de la Neuhof 1980 ) ( translated by Ioana Robu )
Algernon's Escape - short story by Gheorghe Săsărman ( aka Evadarea lui Algernon 1978 ) ( translated by Virgil Stanciu )
The Judges - short story by Mircea Opriță ( aka Judecătorii 1976 ) ( translated by Linda Harris-Marcos and Ioana Robu )
Prosthesosaurs - short story by Gheorghe Păun ( aka Protezozaurii 1983 ) ( translated by Linda Harris-Marcos and Ioana Robu )
Phenotype of Mist and Drops of Nothing - short fiction by Mihail Grămescu ( aka Fenotipul de ceață și picăturile de nimic 1981 ) ( translated by Linda Harris-Marcos and Ioana Robu )
Haustoria - short story by Lucian Ionică ( aka Haustori 1989 ) ( translated by Dana Andreea Chetrinescu )
Omohom - short story by Cristian Tudor Popescu ( aka Omohom 1987 ) ( translated by Ioana Robu )
Modern Martial Arts ( Artele marțiale moderne no. 1 ) - short story by Alexandru Ungureanu ( aka Artele marțiale moderne 1982 ) ( translated by Linda Harris-Marcos )
The Shakespeare Variant - short story by Silviu Genescu ( aka Varianta Shakespeare 1988 ) ( translated by Antuza and Silviu Genescu )

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