
Mikhail Yemtsev

Mikhail Tikhonovich Yemtsev or Emtsev - Russian author - 1930-2003

English title Russian title translator published format publisher ISBN co-author
World SoulDusha Mira ( Душа мира )Bouis, Antonina W.( 1964 ) 1978 / 1980h/bMacMillan / Prentice Hall & IBD0025360205 / 9780025360204 & 0020198507 / 9780020198505 Yeremey Parnov
The Mystery of Green Crossing ( story in Russian Science Fiction 1968 )Na Zelenom Perevale ( Не оставляющий следа )Jacobson, Helen Saltz( 1962 ) 1968h/bNew York University Press0814702791 / 9780814702796Yeremey Parnov
The Pale Neptune ( story first appearing in English in New Soviet Science Fiction )Uravnenie s Blednogo Neptuna ( Уравнение с бледного Нептуна )Jacobson, Helen Saltz( 1963 ) 1979 / 1980h/b / p/bCollier MacMillan0025782207 / 9780025782204 & 0020226500 / 9780020226505Yeremey Parnov
The Snowball ( story in Journey Across Three Worlds then When Questions Are Asked )Snezhok ( Снежок )Evans, Gladys( 1963 ) 1973 / 2000h/b / p/bMir / University Press of the Pacific0714705586 / 9780714705583 & 0898750318 / 9780898750317Yeremey Parnov
He Who Leaves No Trace ( story in The Ultimate Threshold )Ne Ostavlyayushchiy Sleda ( Не оставляющий следа )Ginsburg, Mirra( 1962 ) 1970 / 1978h/b / p/bHolt, Rinehart and Winston / Penguin0030818478 / 9780030818479 & 0140048731 / 9780140048735Yeremey Parnov
Last Door to Aiya ( novelette in Last Door to Aiya )Poslednyaya Dver' ( Последняя дверь! )Ginsburg, Mirra( 1964 ) 1968h/bS G Phillips0875991351 / 9780875991351Yeremey Parnov
The Last Door ( variant title of Last Door to Aiya, novelette published in International Science-Fiction 2 ) Poslednyaya Dver' ( Последняя дверь! )Ginsburg, Mirra( 1964 ) 1968magazineGalaxy Publishing CorporationnoneYeremey Parnov
The White Pilot ( story in The Air of Mars and Other Stories of Time and Space )Lotsman Kid ( Лоцман Кид )Ginsburg, Mirra( 1964 ) 1976h/bMacMillan U.S.0027361608 / 9780027361605Yeremey Parnov
Everything But Love ( story in Everything But Love & Countdown to Midnight )Vozvratite liubov! ( Возвратите любовь )Shkarovsky-Raffé, Arthur( 1966 ) 1973 / 1984p/bMir / DAW Booksnone? & 0879979836 / 9780879979836 Yeremey Parnov

Green Crossing / Leaves no trace - makes no sense?

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