Andre Couvreur

André Couvreur - French author - 1865-1944

English titleFrench titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN / BN ID / ASINco-author
The Inner Man -Le LynxCrewe-Jones, Florence( 1911 ) 1913h/bG.W. Dillingham Co.noneMichel Corday
The Necessary Evil = Le Mal NécessaireStableford, Brian( 1899 ) 2014 / 14tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612272533 / 9781612272535, 2940150503311 & B00PP5F98I
Caresco, Superman "Caresco SurhommeStableford, Brian( 1904 ) 2014 / 14tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612272541 / 9781612272542, 2940150503328 & B00PP4P7UE
The Exploits of Professor Tornada I ~n/aStableford, Brian( 1909 & 1922 ) 2014 / 14tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612272797 / 9781612272795, 2940150503359 & B00PP4PK1K
The Exploits of Professor Tornada II $n/aStableford, Brian( 1923 & 1924 ) 2014 / 14tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press 1612272800 / 9781612272801, 2940150503359 & B00PP4PK9C
The Exploits of Professor Tornada III ±n/aStableford, Brian( 1927, 1939 & 1936 ) 2014 / 14tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612272819 / 9781612272818, 2940150503359 & B00PP4PMKE
Human Seed ¬La GraineStableford, Brian( 1903 ) 2019 / 20tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612278809 / 9781612278803 & B089T6JTXF

- titled 'The Lynx' French Science Fiction no. 182
= French Science Fiction no. 113 / Dr. Caresco / The Works of Andre Couvreur
" French Science Fiction no. 114 / Dr. Caresco / The Works of Andre Couvreur
~ French Science Fiction no. 115 / The Works of Andre Couvreur / Professor Tornada
$ French Science Fiction no. 116 / The Works of Andre Couvreur / Professor Tornada
± French Science Fiction no. 117 / The Works of Andre Couvreur / Professor Tornada
¬ French Science Fiction / Dr. Caresco / The Works of Andre Couvreur

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