The Necessary Evil

The Necessary Evil ( Dr. Caresco I ) ( The Works of Andre Couvreur I )

( French - Le Mal NĂ©cessaire - 1899 )

novel by Andre Couvreur

translated by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2014 ( French Science Fiction 113 )
ISBN: 1612272533 / 9781612272535

Black Coat Press - e-book - 2014
BN ID: 2940150503311

Dr. Armand Caresco is a conscienceless surgeon carrying out medical experiments. He sees himself as an intellectual superman whose discoveries might enable humankind to take a leap forward and dares to broach such shocking topics as the methodology and occasional necessity of hysterectomies.
Caresco's surgical exploits are depicted in an explicit, even flamboyant, fashion which harks back to the notorious Marquis de Sade. Despite his obvious disapproval of Caresco's morality and alleged madness, the author remains willing to give his views serious consideration, and to explore their potential in a manner that refuses to write them off merely because they are tainted with megalomaniac delusion.


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