
Embrace the Night and Other Stories

Embrace the Night and Other Stories

( Dutch - n/a )

collection by Tais Teng

Published: Uitgeverij Granterre - e-book - 2018
eISBN: 1370903405 / 9781370903405
ASIN: B078W85T17

And the Sky Is Filled with Eyes - short story
Embrace the Night - short story
How I Fell in Love with the Night Land - short story
With Musket and Ducat: The Dutch Trading Company in Nineteen Sketches, Paintings, and Luminos - short story ( aka Met musket ende dukaat: De Nederlandse handelsgemeenschap in achttien schetsen, schilderijen en lumino's 2005 ) ( 2015 )
Any House in the Storm - short story ( 2015 )
The Cowboy Who Loved Lady Liberty - short story ( aka De cowboy who loved Lady Liberty 2007 ) ( 2016 )
The Respect of Head-Waiters - short story ( variant of Respect of Headwaiters 2014 )
Tokyo Nights - short story ( 2015 )
Dancing for Azathoth - short story by Jaap Boekestein and Tais Teng ( 2016 )
Growing Up wth Your Dead Sister - short story ( aka Opgroeien met je dode zuster 2016 )
The Further Adventures of Jesus - short story ( aka De Verdere Avonturen van Jesus 2013 )
The Art of Losing Wars Gracefully - short story
For the Greater Good of All - short story ( 2016 )
Al-Adrian and the Magic Lamp - short story ( aka Al-Adrian en de wonderlamp 2008 )
A Girl Like Tiadi - short story ( aka Een meisje als Tiadi 1988 ) ( 1997 )

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