Frontiers / Fronteiras
anthology ( bilingual Portuguese / English )
Edited by Antonio de Macedo & Maria Augusta
Published: Simetria Portugal - tp/b - 1998
ISBN: 9729749515 / 9789729749513
Frontiers Manifesto - essay by Daniel Tercio ( aka Manifesto de Fronteira )
SF in Portugal - essay by Teresa Sousa de Almeida ( aka A Ficção Científica em Portugal )
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam _ short story by Maria de Menezes ( aka Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam 1998 )
Patriotic Crimes - novelette by Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro ( aka Crimes Patrióticos 1998 )
The Most Beautiful Woman in the World - short story by Roberto de Sousa Couso ( aka A Mulher Mais Bela do Mundo )
La Cenerentola - short story by Gwyneth Jones ( 1998 ) ( aka La Cenerentola )
Between Horizons - novelette by Antonio de Macedo ( aka Entre Horizontes )
Glass Earth, Inc. - novelette by Stephen Baxter ( 1997 ) ( as Terra de Vidro )
The Return of Superman - short story by Tiago, Joao ( aka O Regresso do Super-Homem 1998 )
Out of Love for the Offspring - novelette by Joao Barreiros ( aka Por Amor à Prole )
Dr. Breakfast and the Polyban - shortstory by David Alan Prescott* ( aka Dr. Pequeno Almoço e o Polyban )
Turned Over to the Animals - short story by Daniel Tercio ( aka Entregue à Bicharada )
anthology ( bilingual Portuguese / English )
Edited by Antonio de Macedo & Maria Augusta
Published: Simetria Portugal - tp/b - 1998
ISBN: 9729749515 / 9789729749513
Frontiers Manifesto - essay by Daniel Tercio ( aka Manifesto de Fronteira )
SF in Portugal - essay by Teresa Sousa de Almeida ( aka A Ficção Científica em Portugal )
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam _ short story by Maria de Menezes ( aka Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam 1998 )
Patriotic Crimes - novelette by Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro ( aka Crimes Patrióticos 1998 )
The Most Beautiful Woman in the World - short story by Roberto de Sousa Couso ( aka A Mulher Mais Bela do Mundo )
La Cenerentola - short story by Gwyneth Jones ( 1998 ) ( aka La Cenerentola )
Between Horizons - novelette by Antonio de Macedo ( aka Entre Horizontes )
Glass Earth, Inc. - novelette by Stephen Baxter ( 1997 ) ( as Terra de Vidro )
The Return of Superman - short story by Tiago, Joao ( aka O Regresso do Super-Homem 1998 )
Out of Love for the Offspring - novelette by Joao Barreiros ( aka Por Amor à Prole )
Dr. Breakfast and the Polyban - shortstory by David Alan Prescott* ( aka Dr. Pequeno Almoço e o Polyban )
Turned Over to the Animals - short story by Daniel Tercio ( aka Entregue à Bicharada )
- David Alan Prescott is English, translating and writing in both languages.