
Gabriela Damian Miravete

Gabriela Vanessa Damián Miravete - Mexican author - b.1979

English titleSpanish titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN / url
Future Nereid ( story in Three Messages and a Warning )Futura NereidaDeluca, Michael J.( 2010 ) 2011tp/b / kindleSmall Beer Press1931520313 / 9781931520317 & 9781931520379 / B0073J3U2Q
They Will Dream in the Garden ( story in Latin American Literature Today, May 2018 then World Science Fiction no. 1 )Soñarán en el jardínDemopulos, Adrian( 2018 ) 2018webzineUniversity of Oklahoma Press http://www.latinamericanliteraturetoday.org/en/2018/may/they-will-dream-garden-gabriela-dami%C3%A1n-miravete
Music and Petals ( story in Palabras errantes, Jan., 26, 2014 then A Larger Reality )La música y los pétalosBerkobien, Megan( 2014 ) 2014webzinePalabras errantes http://www.palabraserrantes.com/music-and-petals/

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