Jules Verne

Jules Gabriel Verne - French author - 1828-1905

Master Zacharius ( aka Maître Zacharius ou l’horloger qui avait perdu son âme 1854 )
Five Weeks in a Balloon ( aka Cinq semaines en ballon 1863 )
Paris in the Twentieth Century ( aka Paris au XXe siècle 1863 / 1994 )
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth ( aka Voyage au centre de la Terre 1864 )
From Earth to the Moon ( aka De la Terre à  la Lune 1865 )
In Search of the Castaways ( aka Les Enfants du capitaine Grant 1868 )
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea ( aka Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers 1869 )
Round the Moon ( aka Autour de la Lune 1870 ) ( sequel to From Earth to the Moon )
Around The World In Eighty Days ( aka Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours 1872 )
Doctor Ox and Other Stories ( aka Le Docteur Ox 1872 )
The Mysterious Island ( aka L'Île mystérieuse) 1875 ) ( or Dropped from the Clouds / Abandoned )
Michael Strogoff ( aka Michel Strogoff 1876 )
Off on a Comet ( aka Hector Servadac, Voyages et Adventures A Travers Le Monde Solaire 1877 ) ( or Hector Servadac; or the Career of a Comet / Off to the Sun? + Off on a Comet! )
Black Indies ( aka Les Indes noires 1877 ) ( or The Underground City / Black Diamonds )
The Steam House ( aka La Maison à vapeur 1880 ) ( or Tigers and Traitors / The Demon of Cawnpore )
The Green Ray ( aka Le Rayon vert 1882 )
Mathias Sandorf ( aka Mathias Sandorf 1885 )
Robur the Conqueror ( aka Robur-le-Conquérant1886 ) ( or The Clipper of the Clouds )
The Purchase of the North Pole ( aka Sans dessus dessous 1889 ) ( or Topsy-Turvy ) ( sequel ( second ) to From Earth to the Moon )
The Castle of the Carpathians ( aka Le Château des Carpathes 1892 )
Adventures of a Special Correspondent ( aka Claudius Bombarnac 1893 )
Facing the Flag ( aka Face au drapeau 1896 ) ( or For the Flag )
The Sphinx of the Ice Fields ( aka Le Sphinx des Glaces 1897 ) ( or An Antarctic Mystery / The Fields of Ice ) ( sequel to Poe's The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym )
The Mighty Orinoco ( aka Le Superbe Orénoque 1898 )
The Village in the Treetops ( aka Le Village aérien 1901 )
The Kip Brothers ( aka Les Frères Kip 1902 )
Travel Scholarships ( aka Bourses de voyage 1903 )
Master of the World ( aka Maître du monde 1904 ) ( sequel to Robur )
Invasion of the Sea ( aka L'Invasion de la mer 1905 )
The Chase for the Golden Meteor ( aka La Chasse au météore 1908 )
Yesterday and Tomorrow ( aka Hier et Demain 1910 )

Jules Verne / Paschal Grousset
The Begum's Fortune ( aka Les Cinq cents millions de la Bégum 1879 ) ( or The 500 Millions of the Begum / The Begum's Millions )
The Floating Island ( aka L'Île à hélice 1896 ) ( or Propeller Island )

Jules Verne / Michel Verne
Magellania ( aka Les Naufragés du "Jonathan" 1909 )
Into the Niger Bend / The City in the Sahara ( aka L'Etonnante aventure de la mission Barsac 1910 )

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