Paschal Grousset

Jean-François Paschal Grousset - French author - 1844-1909

Wrote under the pseudonyms André Laurie, Philippe Daryl, Tiburce Moray and Léopold Virey.

English title French title translator published format publisher ISBNco-author
Spiridon "( as Laurie )SpiridonShreve, Michael( 1907 ) 2010 / 2012 / 2012tp/b / Nook / KindleBlack Coat Press1935558617 / 9781935558613, 2940013892316 & B007FER5YI
The Begum's FortuneLes Cinq cents millions de la Bégum Kingston, Agnes Kinloch( 1879 ) 1879h/bSampson Low, Marston, Searle, & RivingtonnoneJules Verne
The Conquest of the Moon * Les Exilés de la Terreuncredited( 1887 ) 1889h/b Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivingtonnone
New York to Brest in Seven Hours * De New York à Brest en Sept Heuresuncredited( 1888 ) 1890h/bSampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivingtonnone
The Secret of the Magian * Le Secret du Mageuncredited( 1890 ) 1891h/bSampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivingtonnone
Axel Ebersen * Axel Ebersen: Le Gradue d'Upsalauncredited( 1891 )1892h/bSampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivingtonnone
The Crystal City * AtlantisSmith, L. A.( 1895 ) 1896h/bSampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington ( UK ) / Estes & Lauriat ( USA )none
The Floating Island ( also 'Propeller Island' ) L'Île à Hélice Gordon, William J.( 1896 ) 1896h/bSampson Low, Marston, Searle, & RivingtonnoneJules Verne

  • as 'A. Laurie'
" French Science Fiction no. 50

Tajemství Ocelového mesta ( The Secret of Steel City 1979 ) is a Czech film based on The Begum's Fortune

He also wrote 2 adventure novels with Verne ( or he wrote them and Verne edited them? )

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