
Mircea Eliade

Mircea Eliade - Romanian author - 1907-1986

English titleRomanian titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Gypsies ( novelette in Romanian Fantastic Tales then The Slaying of the Dragon* )La țigănciCartianu, Ana( 1969 ) 1981h/bMinerva Publishing Housenone
Les trois Grâces ( story in Twelve )Les trois grâcesAvramut, Mihaela( 1976 ) 1995tp/bSedona Publishing Company9739601357 ( ? ) & B01BWBOOA2
A Great Man ( story in Povestiri fantastice: Fantastic Tales )Un om mareTappe, Eric( 1945 ) 1969h/bDillion's University Bookshop0900333014 / 9780900333019
Twelve Thousand Head of Cattle ( story in Povestiri fantastice: Fantastic Tales )Douăsprezece mii de capete de viteTappe, Eric( 1969 ) 1969h/bDillion's University Bookshop0900333014 / 9780900333019

only listed as appearing in sf related anthologies

  • titled 'With the Gypsy Girls'

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