Mortal Engines
collection by Lem, Stanislaw
translated by Michael Kandel
Published: Seabury Press / Continuum - hardback - 1977
ISBN: 0816492964 / 9780816492961
Avon - paperback - 1977
ISBN: 0380574063 / 9780380574063
Harvest - trade paperback - 1992
ISBN: 0156621614 / 9780156621618
Andre Deutsch - hardback - 1993
ISBN: 023398819X / 9780233988191
Harvest Books - paperback - 2003
ISBN: 0156028662 / 9780156028660
Introduction ( Mortal Engines ) - essay by Michael Kandel
The Three Electroknights - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Trzej elektrycerze 1964 )
Uranium Earpieces - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Uranowe uszy 1964 )
How Erg the Self-Inducting Slew a Paleface - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Jak Erg Samowzbudnik Bladawca pokonał 1964 )
Two Monsters - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Dwa potwory 1964 )
The White Death - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Biała śmierć 1964 )
How Microx and Gigant Made the Universe Expand - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Jak Mikromił i Gigacyan ucieczkę mgławic wszczęli 1964 )
Tale of the Computer That Fought a Dragon ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Bajka o maszynie cyfrowej, co ze smokiem walczyła 1964 )
The Advisers of King Hydrops - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Doradcy króla Hydropsa 1964 )
Automatthew's Friend - ( [Robots' Fables ) - novelette ( aka Przyjaciel Automateusza 1964 )
King Globares and the Sages - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Król Globares i mędrcy 1964 )
The Tale of King Gnuff - ( Robots' Fables ) short story ( aka Bajka o królu Murdasie 1964 )
The Sanatorium of Dr. Vliperdius - ( Ijon Tichy ) - short story ( aka Zakład doktora Vliperdiusa 1964 )
The Hunt - ( [Pirx the Pilot ) - novelette ( aka Polowanie 1965 )
The Mask - novelette ( aka Maska 1976 )
collection by Lem, Stanislaw
translated by Michael Kandel
Published: Seabury Press / Continuum - hardback - 1977
ISBN: 0816492964 / 9780816492961
Avon - paperback - 1977
ISBN: 0380574063 / 9780380574063
Harvest - trade paperback - 1992
ISBN: 0156621614 / 9780156621618
Andre Deutsch - hardback - 1993
ISBN: 023398819X / 9780233988191
Harvest Books - paperback - 2003
ISBN: 0156028662 / 9780156028660
Introduction ( Mortal Engines ) - essay by Michael Kandel
The Three Electroknights - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Trzej elektrycerze 1964 )
Uranium Earpieces - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Uranowe uszy 1964 )
How Erg the Self-Inducting Slew a Paleface - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Jak Erg Samowzbudnik Bladawca pokonał 1964 )
Two Monsters - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Dwa potwory 1964 )
The White Death - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Biała śmierć 1964 )
How Microx and Gigant Made the Universe Expand - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Jak Mikromił i Gigacyan ucieczkę mgławic wszczęli 1964 )
Tale of the Computer That Fought a Dragon ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Bajka o maszynie cyfrowej, co ze smokiem walczyła 1964 )
The Advisers of King Hydrops - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Doradcy króla Hydropsa 1964 )
Automatthew's Friend - ( [Robots' Fables ) - novelette ( aka Przyjaciel Automateusza 1964 )
King Globares and the Sages - ( Robots' Fables ) - short story ( aka Król Globares i mędrcy 1964 )
The Tale of King Gnuff - ( Robots' Fables ) short story ( aka Bajka o królu Murdasie 1964 )
The Sanatorium of Dr. Vliperdius - ( Ijon Tichy ) - short story ( aka Zakład doktora Vliperdiusa 1964 )
The Hunt - ( [Pirx the Pilot ) - novelette ( aka Polowanie 1965 )
The Mask - novelette ( aka Maska 1976 )