
Stanislaw Lem

Stanislaw Lem - Polish author - 1921-2006


A lot of his work was not properly translated, but came to English from French or German editions

English titlePolish titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN / ISSN / url
Eden EdenHeine, Marc E.( 1959 ) 1989 / 1990h/bHarcourt Brace ( US ) / Andre Deutsch ( UK )0151275807 / 9780151275809 & 0233985174 / 9780233985176
The InvestigationŚledztwoMilch, Adele( 1959 ) 1974h/bSeabury Press0816491658 / 9780816491650
SolarisSolarisKilmartin, Joanna & Cox, Steve ( from French not Polish )( 1961 ) 1970 / 1971h/bWalker & Co. ( US ) / Faber & Faber ( UK )0802755267 / 9780802755261 & 0571092055 / 9780571092055
Memoirs Found in a BathtubPamiętnik znaleziony w wannieKandel, Michael & Rose, Christine( 1961 ) 1976p/bAvon03800045699 / 9780380004560
The InvincibleNiezwyciężonyAckerman, Wendayne ( from German not Polish ) ( 1964 ) 1973h/bSeabury Press ( US ) / Sidgwick & Jackson ( UK )0816491232 / 9780816491230 & 0283979623 / 9780283979620
His Masters VoiceGłos PanaKandel, Michael( 1968 ) 1983h/bHarcourt Brace ( US ) / Secker & Warburg ( UK )0151403600 / 9780151403608 & 0436244098 / 9780436244094
FiascoFiaskoKandel, Michael( 1985 ) 1987h/bHarcourt Brace ( US ) / Andre Deutsch ( UK )0151306400 / 9780151306404 & 0233981411 / 9780233981413
Solaris - The Chain of Chance - A Perfect Vacuum ( omnibus )Solaris / Katar / Doskonała próżniaKilmartin, Joanna & Cox, Steve / Iribarne, Louis / Kandel, Michael( 1961 / 1975 / 1971 ) 1981tp/bPenguin0140055398 / 9780140055399
Tales of Pirx the Pilot - Return from the Stars - The InvincibleOpowieści o pilocie Pirxie / Powrot s gwiazd / NiezwyciężonyIribarne, Louis / Marszal, Barbara & Simpson, Frank / Ackerman, Wendayne ( from the German not Polish )( 1968 / 1961 / 1964 ) 1982tp/bPenguin0140060987 / 9780140060980
The Computer that Fought a Dragon ( also The Tale of the Computer that Fought a Dragon ) ( one of the "Robots' Fables" ) ( story in Other Worlds Other Seas, Mortal Engines, The Cosmic Carnival of Stanislaw Lem & The World Treasury of Science Fiction ) Bajka o maszynie cyfrowej, co ze smokiem walczyłaKlinger, Krzysztof( 1964 ) 1970h/b / p/bRandom House / Berkley Booksnone / 0425022781 / 9780425022788
The Cosmic Carnival of Stanislaw Lem Kandel, Michael1981tp/bContinuum Publishing0826400434 / 9780826400437
Return from the StarsPowrot s gwiazd Marszal, Barbara & Frank Simpson, Frank( 1961 ) 1980h/bHarcourt Brace / Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd.0151770824 / 9780151770823 & 0436244152 / 9780436244155
The Patrol ( story in Other Worlds Other Seas then Tales of Pirx the Pilot )PatrolHoisington, Thomas( 1959 ) 1970 / 1972h/b / p/bRandom House / Berkley Booksnone & 0425022781 / 9780425022788
Tales of Pirx the PilotOpowieści o pilocie PirxieIribarne, Louis( 1968 ) 1979 / 1980h/bHarcourt Brace / Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd.0151879788 / 9780151879786 & 0436244225 / 9780436244223
More Tales of Pirx the PilotOpowieści o pilocie PirxieIribarne, Louis & Majcherczyk, Magdalena( 1968 ) 1982 / 1983h/bHarcourt Brace ( US ) / Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd. ( US )043624411X / 9780436244117 & 0151621381 / 9780151621385
The Star DiariesDzienniki gwiazdoweKandel, Michael( 1957 ) 1976h/bSeabury Press ( US )/ Secker & Warburg ( UK )0816492832 / 9780816492831 & 0436244217 / 9780436244216
Memoirs of a Space TravellerDzienniki gwiazdoweSwiecicka-Ziemianek, Maria & Stern, Joel( 1957 ) 1982h/bHarcourt Brace ( US ) / Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd. ( UK )0151588562 / 9780151588565 & 0436244128 / 9780436244124
The Twenty-Fourth Journey of Ion Tichy ( story in Other Worlds Other Seas then Memoirs of a Space Traveller )Podróż dwudziesta czwartaAndelman, Jane( 1954 ) 1970 /1972h/b / p/bRandom House / Berkley Booksnone & 0425022781 / 9780425022788
The Thirteenth Journey of Ion Tichy ( story in Other Worlds Other Seas then Memoirs of a Space Traveller )Podróż trzynastaHoisington, Thomas( 1957 ) 1970 / 1972h/b / p/bRandom House / Berkley Booksnone & 0425022781 / 9780425022788
The Chain of ChanceKatarIribarne, Louis( 1975 ) 1978h/bHarcourt Brace ( US ) / Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd. ( UK )0151165890 / 9780151165896 & 0436244187 / 9780436244186
The Seventh Voyage ( story in The Star Diaries, The Cosmic Carnival of Stanislaw Lem then The Wesleyan Anthology of Science FictionPodróż siódmaKandel, Michael( 1964 ) 1976h/bSeabury Press / Secker & Warburg0816492832 / 9780816492831 & 0436244217 / 9780436244216
Mortal Engines Kandel, Michael1977h/b / p/bSeabury Press / Avon0816492964 / 9780816492961 & 0380574063 / 9780380574063
The Futurological CongressKongres futurologicznyKandel, Michael( 1971 ) 1974/ 1975h/bSeabury Press ( US ) / Secker & Warburg ( UK )0816492220 / 9780816492220 & 0436244195 / 9780436244193
Project Genesis ( also 'The Eighteenth Voyage' ie. Ijon Tichy ) ( story in The New Yorker, November 2, 1981, Memoirs of a Space Traveller then Creations: The Quest for Origins in Story and SciencePodróż osiemnastaSwiecicka-Ziemianek, Maria & Stern, Joel( 1971 ) 1981magazine none
Peace on EarthPokój na ZiemiFord, Elinor & Kandel, Michael( 1986 ) 1994 / 1995h/bHarcourt Brace ( US ) / Andre Deutsch ( UK )0151715548 / 9780151715541 & 0233989358 / 9780233989358
The Use of a Dragon ( Ijon Tichy ) ( story in The Eagle and the Crow )Pożytek ze smokaPowaga, Wiesiek( 1993 ) 1996tp/bSerpent's Tail1852423560 / 9781852423568
Ijon Tichy's Last Journey to Earth ( story in Altair no. 4, August 1999 ( Melbourne Worldcon issue ) )Ostatnia Podroz Ijona Tichego ( 1996 ) 1999magazineAltair Publishingnone
The Test ( novelette in Omni, October 1979, Tales of Pirx the Pilot, The Cosmic Carnival of Stanislaw Lem then The Best of Omni Science Fiction No. 3TestIribarne, Louis( 1959 ) 1979magazineOmni Publications International Ltdnone
The Accident ( story in Omni, June 1982 then More Tales of Pirx the Pilot )WypadekMajcherczyk, Magdalena & Iribarnes, Louis( 1965 ) 1982magazineOmni Publications International Ltd.none
The Hunt ( story in Mortal Engines, More Tales of Pirx the Pilot & The Road to Science Fiction 6 Around the World )PolowanieKandel, Michael( 1965 ) 1977h/b / p/bSeabury Press / Avon0816492964 / 9780816492961 & 0380574063 / 9780380574063
How Erg the Self-Inducting Slew a Paleface ( story in Antæus #25/26, Mortal Engines & The World Treasury of Science Fiction )Jak Erg Samowzbudnik Bladawca pokonałKandel, Michael?( 1964 ) 1977magazineEcco Pressnone
The White Death ( story in Mortal Engines & Twenty Houses of the Zodiac )Biała śmierćKandel, Michael( 1964 ) 1977h/b / p/bSeabury Press / Avon0816492964 / 9780816492961 & 0380574063 / 9780380574063
A Perfect VaccumDoskonała próżniaKandel, Michael( 1971 ) 1979h/bHarcourt Brace ( US )/ Martin Secker & Warburg ( UK )0151716978 / 9780151716975 & 0436244179 / 9780436244179
Imaginary MagnitudeWielkość UrojonaHeine, Marc E.( 1973 ) 1984h/bHarcourt Brace0151441189 / 9780151441181
One Human MinuteJedna minuta / Biblioteka XXI wiekuLeach, Catherine S.( 1984 ) 1986h/bHarcourt Brace ( US )/ Andre Deutsch ( UK )0151695504 / 9780151695508 & 0233979808 / 9780233979809
CyberiadCyberiadaKandel, Michael( 1965 ) 1974 / 1975h/bSeabury Press ( US ) / Secker & Warburg ( UK )081649164X / 9780816491643 & 0436244209 / 9780436244209
How the World was Saved ( story in Cyberiad, Antigrav, Cosmic Comedies & The SF CollectionJak ocalał światKandel, Michael( 1964 ) 1974h/bSeabury Press ( US ) / Secker & Warburg ( UK )081649164X / 9780816491643 & 0436244209 / 9780436244209
Trurl's Machine ( story in Cyberiad then Strange Planets )Maszyna TrurlaKandel, Michael( 1964 ) 1974h/bSeabury Press ( US ) / Secker & Warburg ( UK )081649164X / 9780816491643 & 0436244209 / 9780436244209
A Good Shellacking ( story in Cyberiad then The Flying Sorcerers )Wielkie lanieKandel, MIchael( 1964 ) 1974h/bSeabury Press ( US ) / Secker & Warburg ( UK )081649164X / 9780816491643 & 0436244209 / 9780436244209
The First Sally (A), or Trurl's Electronic Bard ( story in Cyberiad, Science Fiction Monthly, August 1975 then The Road to Science Fiction 4 )Wyprawa pierwsza, czyli pułapka GargancjanaKandel, Michael( 1965 ) 1974h/bSeabury Press ( US ) / Secker & Warburg ( UK )081649164X / 9780816491643 & 0436244209 / 9780436244209
In Hot Pursuit of Happiness ( novelette in View from Another Shore )Kobyszczę ( 1971 ) 1973p/bSeabury Press0816491518 / 9780816491513
A Good Hiding ( story in Vector 59 Spring 1972 )Wielkie lanieRottensteiner, Franz( 1963 ) 1972magazineBSFAnone
Are You There, Mr. Jones? ( story in Vision of Tomorrow #1 ) Roberts, Peter1969magazineRonald E. Grahamnone
The Mask ( novelette in Mortal Engines then The Slaying of the Dragon )MaskaKandel, Michael( 1976 ) 1977h/b / p/bSeabury Press / Avon0816492964 / 9780816492961 & 0380574063 / 9780380574063
Let Us Save the Universe ( An Open Letter from Ijon Tichy ) ( story in The Big Book of Science Fiction )Ratujmy kosmos: ( List otwarty Ijona Tichego )Stern, Joel & Swiecicka-Ziemianek, Maria( 1964 ) 2016tp/b / e-bookVintage Crime / Black Lizard1101910097 / 9781101910092, 1101910100 / 9781101910108 & B01CWZH7C4
Professor A. Donda ( novelette in Orphia 2 then Memoirs of a Space Traveller )Profesor A. Dońda ( 1974 ) 2016magazineSociety of Bulgarian Fantasy Artists ( Terra Fantasia )0861-1114
MicroworldsFantastyka i futurologiaRottensteiner, Franz & others( 1970 ) 1985h/bHarcourt Brace ( US ) / Martin Secker & Warburg ( UK )0151594805 / 9780151594801 & 0436244071 / 9780436244070
Stanislaw Lem Reader 1997tp/bNorthwestern University Press081011495X / 9780810114951
HighcastleWysoki ZamekKandel, Michael( 1966 ) 1995 / 1996h/b / p/bHarcourt Brace / Harvest0151402183 / 9780151402182 & 0156004720 / 9780156004725
Science Fiction: A Hopeless Case - With Exceptions ( essay in Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd then Microworlds )Science Fiction: beznadziejny przypadek - z wyjątkami( 1973 ) 1975tp/bNorstrilia Press0909106002 / 9780909106003
On the Structural Analysis of Science Fiction * ( essay in Science Fiction Studies then Microworlds )Od strukturalizmu do tradycjonalizmuRottensteiner, Franz & Gillespie, Bruce R.( 1973 ) 1976h/bGregg Press083982338X / 9780839823384
Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans ( essay in Science Fiction Studies then Microworlds )Posłowie do "Ubika" Ph. Dicka( 1975 ) 1976h/bGregg Press083982338X / 9780839823384
The Time Travel Story and Related Matters of SF Structuring ** ( essay in Science Fiction Studies, Science Fiction & Microworlds ) Hoisington, Thomas H. & Suvin, Darko( 1974 ) 1976h/bGregg Press / Prentice-Hall083982338X /9780839823384 & 0137949669 / 9780137949663
Robots in Science Fiction ( essay in SF: The Other Side of Realism ) 1971h/bBowling Green State University Popular Press0879720220 / 9780879720223
Answers to a Questionnaire ( essay in Foundation, no.15 January 1979 ) ( 1979 ) 1979magazineThe Science Fiction Foundationnone
On Stapledon's 'Star Maker' ( essay in Earth Is But a Star ) 2001tp/bUWA Press1876268549 / 9781876268541
Man From Mars ( extract in Out of This World, Dec., 2009 )( from ) Czlowiek z MarsaSwirski, Peter( 1946 ) 2009e-magazineWords Without Borders19361459 / http://www.wordswithoutborders.org/issue/december-2009/

Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie - this is Tales and More Tales in one volume
Dzienniki gwiazdowe - this is Star Diaries and Memoirs in one volume

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