Roman Grigorevich Podolny - Russian author - 1933-1990

English title Russian title translator published format publisher ISBN
It Is Impossible to Sail the Sea ( story in Russian Science Fiction 1968 ) Moreplavanie Nevozmozhno ( Мореплавание невозможно )Jacobson, Helen Saltz ( 1962 ) 1968 h/bNew York University Press 0814702791 / 9780814702796
For the First Time ( story in Russian Science Fiction 1968 )Vpervye ( Впервые )Jacobson, Helen Saltz ( 1962 ) 1968 h/b New York University Press 0814702791 / 9780814702796
Invasion ( story in The Ultimate Threshold ) НашествиеGinsburg, Mirra ( 1966 ) 1970 / 1978 h/b / p/bHolt, Rinehart and Winston / Penguin0030818478 / 9780030818479 & 0140048731 / 9780140048735
Last Story About Telepathy ( story in Soviet Literature Science Fiction of Today 1984 ) 1984 magazineEditors of Soviet Literature none

note: 'For the First Time' and 'It Is Impossible to Sail the Sea' are sometimes listed together as 'Tales of the Distant Past'