
Impossible Stories

Impossible Stories

( Serbian - Nemoguce price - 2006 )

collection by Zoran Zivkovic

translated by Alice Copple-Tosic

Published: PS Publishing - hardback - 2006 ( boxed edition )
ISBN: 1904619665 / 9781904619666

PS Publishing - hardback - 2006
ISBN: 1904619657 / 9781904619659

Accidents Don't Exist; The Short Stories of Zoran Zivkovic - essay by Paul Di Filippo

Time-Gifts ( aka Vremenski darovi 1997 )
The Astronomer - novelette
The Paleolinguist - short story
The Watch Maker - short story
The Artist - short story

Impossible Encounters ( aka Nemogući susreti 2000 )
The Window - short story ( aka Prozor )
The Cone - short story ( aka Kupa )
The Bookshop - short story ( aka Knjižara )
The Train - short story ( aka Voz )
The Confessional - shortstory ( aka Ispovedaonica )
The Atelier - short story ( aka Atelje )

Seven Touches of Music ( aka Sedam dodira muzike 2001 )
The Whisper - short story
The Fire - short story
The Cat - short story
The Waiting Room - short story
The Puzzle - short story
The Violinist - short story
The Violin-Maker - short story

The Library ( aka Biblioteka 2002 )
Virtual Library - short story ( aka Virtualna biblioteka )
Night Library - short story ( aka Noćna biblioteka )
Home Library - short story ( aka Kućna biblioteka )
Infernal Library - short story ( aka Paklena biblioteka )
Smallest Library - short story ( aka Najmanja biblioteka )
Noble Library - short story ( aka Otmena biblioteka )

Steps Through the Mist ( Koraci kroz maglu 2003 )
Disorder in the Head - short story
Hole in the Wall - short story
Geese in the Mist - short story
Line on the Palm - short story
Alarm Clock on the Night Table - short story
The Telephone short story ( aka Telefon 2005 )
Afterword ( Impossible Stories ) - essay by Tamar Yellin

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