
Qiufan Chen

Qiufan Chen ( 陈楸帆 ) ( also Stanley Chan ) - Chinese author - b.1981

has been translated into Czech, English, Finnish, German, Portuguese, French, Italian, Japanese, Swedish and Polish

English titleChinese titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN / eISBN / BN ID / ASIN / ISSN / urlco-author
The Fish of Lijiang + ( story in Clarkesworld 59, Aug., 2011, Clarkesworld Year 5 then Invisible Planets )Lijiang de Yu'ermen ( 丽江的鱼儿们 )Liu, Ken( 2006 ) 2011magazine ( tp/b ) / e-magazine / podcastClarkesworld Magazine / Wyrm Publishing0615815359 / 9780615815350, 2940013176492, B005L4HY6S, 19377843, http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/chen_08_11/ & http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/audio_08_11a/
The Endless Farewell ( story in Pathlight, Spring, 2013 )Wujin De Gaobie ( 无尽的告别 )Liu, Ken2013magazinePaper Republic LLC none / https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/pathlight-spring-2013/id655892180?ls=1 & B00D1X7F38
The Flower of Shazui ( story in Interzone, 243 / Nov.-Dec., 2012, Invisible Planets then Strange Horizons, Fund Drive Special 2017)Shāzuǐ zhī huā ( 沙嘴之花 )Liu, Ken( 2006 ) 2012magazineTTA Pressnone
The Year of the Rat ( novelette in The Magazine of F & SF, July / Aug., 2013, Year's Best Weird Fiction, v.1 then Invisible Planets )Shu Nian ( 鼠年 )Liu, Ken( 2009 ) 2013magazineSpilogale, Inc.none
The Mao Ghost ( story in Lightspeed 46, March, 2014 )Mao de guihun ( 猫的鬼魂 )Liu, Ken2014magazineLightspeed Magazinenone / http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/ebooks/march-2014-issue-46/
The Tomb ( story in The Apex Book of World SF 2 then Upgraded )Fen ( 坟 )author( 2004 ) 2012tp/b / e-bookApex Publications9781937009052, 2940014960113 & B008S696TE
Oil of Angels ( story in Upgraded )Tianshi zhi you ( 天使之油 )Liu, Ken( 2014 ) 2014p/b / e-bookWyrm Publishing 1890464309 / 9781890464301, 2940046273700 & B00MQGNM10
Coming of the Light ( novelette in Clarkesworld 102, March, 2015 *, Clarkesworld Year 9, V. I, Broken Stars then World Science Fiction no. 1 )Kaiguang ( 开光 )Liu, Ken( 2015 ) 2015magazine ( tp/b ) / e-magazine / podcastClarkesworld Magazine / Wyrm Publishing0692398716 / 9780692398715, 2940151456609, B00VH5GPNS, 19377843, http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/chen_03_15/ & http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/audio_03_15d/
The Snail Generation ( story )蜗牛世代Liu, Ken2017
Oblivion is a crease of Memory ( story )遗忘是一道记忆的折痕Liu, Ken2017on-lineXprize / ANA http://seat14c.com/future_ideas/17F
The Smog Society ( story Lightspeed 63, Aug., 2015, Loosed Upon the World then Best Science Fiction of the Year v. 1 )Mai (霾)Liu, Ken( 2010 ) 2015e-magazineLightspeed Magazine http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/the-smog-society/
G is for Goddess ( story in The Sound of Salt Forming )G代表女神Moran, Thomas ( 2011 ) 2015h/b / p/b Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press / University of Hawaiʻi Press 082485639-2 / 9780824856397, 0824856368 / 9780824856366, 0824857615 / 9780824857615, 0824857631 / 9780824857639, 0824857623 / 9780824857622 / B01GFCRSQK
Future History of Illnesses ( story in Pathlight 2 / 2016 § ) then as A History of Future Illnesses ( story in Broken Stars ) Weilai Bingshi ( 未来病史 )Liu, Ken( 2012 )
A Man out of Fashion ( story in Clarkesworld 131, Aug., 2017 then Clarkesworld Year 11, V. II )( 过时的人 )Liu, Ken( 2014 ) 2017magazine ( tp/b ) / e-magazine / podcastClarkesworld Magazine / Wyrm Publishing1890464880 /: 9781890464882, 2940158821851, B075BNQ85W, 19377843, http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/chen_08_17/ & http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/audio_08_17d/
Balin ( story in Clarkesworld 115, April, 2016, The Reincarnated Giant then Clarkesworld Year 10, V. II )( 巴鳞 )Liu, Ken( 2015 ) 2016magazine ( tp/b ) / e-magazine / podcastClarkesworld Magazine / Wyrm Publishing0692682864 / 9780692682869, 2940158414411, B01F28BUXU, 19377843, http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/chen_04_16/ & http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/audio_04_16a/
The Waste TideHuang Chao ( 荒潮 )Liu, Ken( 2015 ) 2019e-bookHead of ZeusB01EJQ9PMO
Let There Be Light ( extract from The Waste Tide in Daily Science Fiction, March 8, 2016 )n/aLiu, Ken2016webzineDaily Science Fiction http://dailysciencefiction.com/science-fiction/future-societies/chen-qiufan-translated-by-ken-liu-/let-there-be-light_scifi
Debtless ( novella in Clarkesworld, , April, 2020, then The Best of World SF Vol. 1 Wú zhài zhī rén ( 无债之人 )Stone-Banks, Blake( 2019 ) 2020magazine ( tp/b ) / e-magazine / podcastClarkesworld Magazine / Wyrm Publishing1642360384 / 9781642360387, 2940164345884, B08B46MFYD, https://clarkesworldmagazine.com/chen_04_20/ & https://clarkesworldmagazine.com/audio_04_20d/
Do You Hear the Fungi Sing? ( story in Tomorrow's Parties ) Jin, Emily2022tp/b /e-book MIT Press0262544431 / 9780262544436 & 0262371537 / 9780262371537 / B09MH63FWM
AI 2041 Dudak, Andy / Jin, Emily / Stone-Banks, Blake / Zhou, Benjamin2021/ 24h/b / audiobook /p/b / e-bookCrown Currency ( U.S. ) / W.H.Allen059323829X / 9780593238295, 0593240715 / ‎ 9780593240717 / B09FQ9NQZM, 0753559358 / 9780753559352 / B09FQFH52F, 0753559013 / 9780753559017, 0593238311 / 9780593238318, 0753559021 /‎ 9780753559024, 075355903X / 9780-753559031 / B08S6PTVZ9Kai-Fu Lee
Forger Mr. Z ( novelette in Asimov's SF, Nov.-Dec. 2020 )Wèizào zhě Z ( 伪造者Z )Dudak, Andy( 2019 ) 2020( p/b ) magazineDell MagazinesB0C6ZV1MWS & 1065-2698
Space Leek ( story in Slate, June 29, 2019 )Tàikōng dàcōng ( 太空大葱 )Jin, Emily( 2019 ) 2019webzineThe Slate Group https://slate.com/technology/2019/06/space-leek-chen-qiufan-stanley-chen.html
Reunion ( story in MIT Technology Review, Jan./Feb. 2019 )Kè zhōu jì (V2.0)( 刻舟記(V2.0 ) )Jin, Emily / Liu, Ken( 2018 ) 2019magazineMIT Technology Review1099-274X
The Ancestral Temple in a Box ( story in Clarkesworld 160, Jan., 2020, World Science Fiction no. 2 then The Rosetta Archive )Xiá zhōng cítáng ( 匣中祠堂 )Jin, Emily( 2019 ) 2020magazine ( tp/b ) / e-magazine / podcastClarkesworld Magazine / Wyrm Publishing164236035X / 9781642360356, 2940164308346, B084DX74TN, 19377843 & https://clarkesworldmagazine.com/chen_01_20/ / https://clarkesworldmagazine.com/audio_01_20e/

+ won the 2012 Science Fiction & Fantasy Translation Awards ( Short Form ) § if this was publlished?

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