João Manuel Rosado Barreiros - Portuguese author - b. 1952

English titlePortuguese titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Silent Night ( story in Side Effects )Noite de Paz 1997tp/bSimetria Portugal9729749507 / 9789729749506
Out of Love for the Offspring ( novelette in Frontiers - Fronteiras )Por Amor à Prole 1998tp/bSimetria Portugal9729749515 / 9789729749513
The Test ( story in Breaking Windows )O testeRodrigues, Luis( 1999 ) 2003h/b / tp/bPrime Books1894815793 / 9781894815796 & 1894815599 / 9781894815598
A Night on the Edge of the Empire ( story in Non-Events on the Edge of the Empire - Inconsequencias na Periferia do Imperio then The SFWA European Hall of Fame )Uma Noite na Periferia do ImpérioRodrigues, Luis?( 1996 ) 1996tp/b?Câmara Municipal de Cascais9726370396 / 9789726370390
Ephemerides ( story in Sinning in Sevens - Pecar a Sete ) Efemérides 1999tp/bSimetria Portugal9729749523 / 9789729749520
Synchronicity ( short story )SincronicidadeRodrigues, Luis( 2000 ) 2001on-lineFantastic Metropolisnone

Silent Night:
Breaking Windows ( for The Test ):